Personal Power Leadership

Give your personal impact a big boost

For Whom?

The hustle and bustle of everyday life in any organization requires strong personal leadership from both managers and professionals. This program strengthens your ability to self-direct your (working) life.
Personal power is a core leadership competency that everyone needs to develop before they can lead others. It has to do with being able to lead yourself. "Personal power is the ability to achieve what you want,” according to Frederick Mann, a successful entrepreneur and author of The Economic Rape of America.
If you want to get the best and the most out of yourself and want to make a difference, this program is for you. We help you to recognize and manage your self-imposed limitations. You recognize your personal talents, values ​​and qualities again. And you know how to take committed action from there. You can pause and recognize your auto-pilot of engraved patterns and reactive behavior. And feel the space to consciously choose behavior to wisely respond to any challenge. You learn to stay close to yourself and take more effective action. Which helps you have a bigger impact on your environment.

As a partner of coaching and consulting bureau STACH, we provide this program several times a year. 

Number of participants

Min. 6 and max. 12 participants
  • Results
  • For whom?
  • Programma
  • Investering
  • Data & locatie

After this program

  • … you are back in the drivers' seat of your life
  • … you are aware of your own unique potential and your own strength again, you can be who you are
  • … you have the courage to choose what is important to you
  • … you know what your obstacles and blind spots are and how you can deal with those
  • … you can step out of your automatic patterns and consciously choose behavior
  • … you know how to take the lead in challenging situations and make powerful choices moving forward
  • … you feel much more energy and decisiveness in your entire body
  • … you can balance your working and your private life and you are more resilient to pressure and stress
  • … you have a bigger impact and you communicate more effectively with your environment, with less effort 
This training is perfect for you if you want to make a difference, acting from your own personal power. And you want to shape your life and work based on your own values ​​and beliefs. You want to build your life on your refreshed solid foundation to act successfully based on your talents and qualities. No longer achieve goals based on auto-pilot, doubt and working hard and long hours to meet your targets, but coming from the trust to be able to collaborate well at all levels. Lively and energetically.

You now notice that you sometimes:

  • have the idea that you are being lived instead of being in control yourself
  • actually know how you want to be or how you want to approach it, but you keep looking for ways how to shape this
  • are the one who holds back to living and acting to the fullest, the way you would want it. This often leads to procrastination
  • have doubts whether you are doing the right thing
  • know that you can do more, but it somehow does not show on the outside
  • are often doing what you think others think is good and not making choices based on your own findings and beliefs
  • feel numb and tired at the end of the day and are unhappy with the way you do things at work 
In dit programma krijg je een helder beeld van wie je bent en wat jouw belangrijkste kwaliteiten en drijfveren zijn. Je maakt de balans op van je werkervaring tot nu toe. Je leert herkennen wat jouw persoonlijke verdedigingsmechanismen en patronen zijn. En je leert hoe je die om kunt buigen om het beste van jezelf te laten zien en te geven. Je krijgt een beter zicht op de cultuur van de organisatie waarin je werkt en hoe jij daar op jouw specifieke manier mee omgaat.

Gedurende het hele programma word je gestimuleerd jouw persoonlijk leiderschap zo maximaal mogelijk in te zetten. Een investering waar jij en je organisatie tot in de lengte van je werkend bestaan baat bij hebben, omdat het je brengt bij wat je de meeste energie, vitaliteit en voldoening geeft: bij wie je echt bent.

De doorlooptijd van het programma is vijf maanden. Ieder blok duurt twee dagen, inclusief avondprogramma op de eerste dag

Opbouw van het programma

Wie ben jij en wie zijn wij, wat zijn je leerdoelen
Blok 1
Mijn eigen kracht en mijn belemmeringen
Individuele coaching door één van de trainers
Blok 2
Mijn impact in relatie tot de ander
Blok 3
Effectief handelen vanuit kracht

Tussen de blokken

Je gaat aan de slag met jouw persoonlijk actieplan. Je werkt in tweetallen tussen de blokken door en met een Groeps App vier je elkaars successen, deel je inzichten en inspireer en steun je elkaar.
Daarnaast heb je een individueel coachgesprek met de trainer en een mentorgesprek op het werk.
Dit programma kost € 3.300,- exclusief btw.

Dagarrangement zonder overnachtingen: € 455,25 (zaal, koffie, thee, 2 x lunch, snack, diner dag 1)

Dagarrangement inclusief 3 overnachtingen en ontbijt: € 645,-
Data groep 1 2020 
Individuele intake: in overleg
Blok 1: 25 en 26 maart 
Blok 2: 6 en 7 mei 
Blok 3: 3 en 4 juni
Individuele coaching: tussen blok 2 en 3; in overleg

Evaluatiegesprek: juni

Tijden per blok
Dag 1: 9.30 uur tot 20.00 uur
Dag 2: 9.00 tot 16.00 uur

Hotel De Lunterse Boer in Lunteren, Hoge Veluwe